We hope you are keeping safe and well.
The health, safety and welfare of all our customers and staff in Life’s Too Short Tattoo is our primary concern. We have put a number of control measures in place to ensure a safe environment in our studio.
We ask that all clients to complete the LTS Consent and Release form before their appointment starts.
The information you provide will be kept confidential and stored securely. This information will be used only for safety planning and not be shared with any third party. Only nominated staff, authorised for this purpose, will be allowed to access this information. Your contact details will be used in the event LTS needing to clarify any of your responses.
If you have any questions or the information you provide change, you can contact our shop manager at info.ltsdublin@gmail.com.
Please read and be certain you understand the implication of signing this consent and release form.
[ninja_form id=2]